Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Original ZERO

Air Elemental, Twitterun
エアーエレメンタル ツイテルン
Air Elemental, Twitterun (CFZ)
Name Air Elemental, Twitterun
Kana エアーエレメンタル ツイテルン
Phonetic Eā Eremento Tsuiterun
Grade / Skill Grade 1 / Sk boost Boost
Power Power icon 7000
Critical Critical icon 1
Clan Cray Elemental
Race Elemental
Format Zero-icon Vanguard ZERO
Illust ねじ太
Card Effect(s)
(RC):If your vanguard is not grade 3 or greater, you do not have a grade 3 in hand, there are no face up cards in your G zone, and your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, [Rest this unit to draw a card, and put this unit into your G zone face up.
(G zone):This card is regarded as a G unit.
(G zone):When your G unit strides, put this card into your drop zone.
(This card can be used in all clans)
Tournament Status
EN Unrestricted
JP Unrestricted
KR Unrestricted
TH Unrestricted
IT Unrestricted
Gallery Tips Rulings Lores
Errata Trivia JP Database
