Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
D-BT09-078EN-C (Sample)

Blue Deathster, Sora Period

"Blue Deathster" (葬空死団ブルーデスター Burūdesutā) is a series of cards exclusive to the Brandt Gate nation, first introduced in D Booster Set 09: Dragontree Invasion before receiving it's first sub-nation support in D Booster Set 10: Dragon Masquerade. Units from the Avantgarda archetype are also members of this sub-nation.

List of "Blue Deathster" Cards[]

Grade 0[]

Card Name Race Type
Blue Deathster, Sora Period Human

Grade 1[]

Card Name Race Type
Blue Deathster, Asagi Milestone Human
Blue Deathster, "Dark Verdict" Findanis Battleroid
Blue Deathster, Hanada Halfway Human
Blue Deathster, Stabile Helphen Workeroid
Blue Deathster, Ruri Turning Human

Grade 2[]

Card Name Race Type
Blue Deathster, "Heavenly Death Ray" Stelvane Battleroid
Blue Deathster, Req Gewehnr Battleroid
Blue Deathster, Sabine Melkmar Human
Blue Deathster, Sachsen Ausfuhl Battleroid

Grade 3[]

Card Name Race Type
Blue Deathster, "Skyrendriver" Avantgarda Richter Battleroid
Blue Deathster, "Skyrender" Avantgarda Battleroid


Blue Deathster

Blue Deathster's Logo
