Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki

A member of the Special Medical Team "Lapis Lazuli Celestial" whose members are marked by their blue wings. She possesses access to an Administrator only Magical Device, "The Candle" that is incapable of going out unless the controller wishes it to and is capable of removing fear and anxiety from anyone who sees it. She always carries a small candlestick with a bit of flame borrowed from the original "Candle", so that when the troops are dispatched to a location, she can show patients the flame, lending its divine protection to them. It's a tiny light that no matter when, makes sure hope carries on and keeps despair at bay. Those drawn to the flame gather and respond by turning it into an enormous flame by walking the same path together. The little hope she brings to those she visits becomes a blazing bonfire that leads them to even greater hopes and dreams.

The Lapis Lazuli Celestials are...

A Special Medical Team in "Angel Feather" whose members are deeply committed to their work and must have the skills to match that commitment. Those that pass the aptitude test and want to be assigned must discard their old wings during their baptism by the Archangels, gaining new "Lapis Lazuli Wings". They are sometimes known as the "Reckless Saviors" due to their intense sense of duty that is both inspiring and terrifying.
