This is the form of the King of Knights, "Alfred" after the Invasion Great War. He was bestowed the holy sword "Holy Saver" by the Guardian Dragon "Arc Saver Dragon". In his time, he traveled around the world assiduously to suppress the Great Wars' aftershock---riots and turmoils. The King of Knights, Alfred, led the army without the slightest traces of fear, and the unparalleled sword, Blaster Blade, cut down all fools who dare to assassinate his Majesty. The King and the Sword create lands where sins are no more and smiles are eternal... it sounds like a fairy tale, but in fact, the lands Alfred cleared have almost no criminal incidents for years and decades, and all towns nearby are prosperous. After that, he entrusted the commanding power to the knight he trusts wholeheartedly, and settled at the throne with his sword finally sheathed. There was a new battlefield, a battlefield of politics that only the king could enter to deal with the exchanging blows of schemes and plots. However, even if his armor and sword were no longer on his body, people keep eulogizing his stories, and praise him as "The King of Knights", the great leader who dedicated his life to protect his nation.