"Cardfight!! Vanguard" is the third series of the Cardfight!! Vanguard anime, and is a reboot story roughly based on the Cardfight!! Vanguard manga by Akira Ito. The "High School Arc - Continued" is an anime-exclusive storyline based around the last events of the Cardfight!! Vanguard manga, and what happened after. Despite the arc being anime-exclusive, it is considered to be the third arc of the Cardfight!! Vanguard (V Series Anime), and not a new season.
The episodes are first broadcast on TV Tokyo at 8.00am JST Saturday and made available on the website AbemaTV at 9.00pm JST on the same night. The episodes are also uploaded with English subtitles through the official YouTube channel and Crunchyroll.
Plot Summary[]
The main protagonist Aichi Sendou, was a timid and mundane third-year middle school boy. The thing that supported Aichi's heart, was the "Blaster Blade" card that he received as a child. It's an important rare card from "Vanguard", a card game with the imaginary world of "Planet Cray" as its stage. From the day he reunited with the person who gave him that card "Toshiki Kai", Aichi's everyday life began to change.
Aichi and his friends protected Planet Cray from the threat of an invasion by Wandering Star Brandt. However, with destiny being corrected, memories of Kourin Tatsunagi and the battle against Brandt have disappeared.
With the "Vanguard Koshien" fast approaching, the battle to regain the missing "something" begins for the vanguards.
Main Characters[]
Secondary Characters[]
- Ren Suzugamori
- Asaka Narumi
- Tetsu Shinjou
- Minami Kawanami
- Kouji Ibuki
- Osamu Kishida
- Kiriya Bidou
- Leon Soryu
- Kyou Yahagi
- Kamui Katsuragi
- Nome Tatsunagi
- Rekka Tatsunagi
- Kourin Tatsunagi
- Suiko Tatsunagi
Minor Characters[]
- Emi Sendou
- Shin Nitta
- Nagisa Daimonji
- Ushimaru
- Tsuneto Tado
- Kei Nagara
- Karl Yamaji
Episodes: 1-14
- Ending Theme 3: Mainichi Climax ☆
Artist: Milky Holmes
Episodes: 14
- Ending Theme 5: Takin' my Heart
Episodes: 1-13
- Ending Theme 1 EN: GIFT from THE FIGHT!!
Artist: Jovette Rivera
Episodes: 1-14
Episode Guide - Season 11 | |||||
1 | Disband!! | 廃部!! | May 11, 2019 (JP) | June 15, 2019 (EN) | |
2 | Aichi's the Coach!? | コーチはアイチ!? | May 18, 2019 (JP) | June 22, 2019 (EN) | |
3 | Evil-eyed Prince from Another World Sings of the Strongest Hero and Love | 異世界転生した邪眼の王子は、最強勇者と愛を謳う | May 25, 2019 (JP) | June 29, 2019 (EN) | |
4 | Beyond Globalization!! | グローバルを超えろ!! | June 1, 2019 (JP) | July 5, 2019 (EN) | |
5 | Lost Imagination | 失われたイメージ | June 8, 2019 (JP) | July 12, 2019 (EN) | |
6 | The Beginning of The End | はじまりのジ・エンド | June 15, 2019 (JP) | July 19, 2019 (EN) | |
7 | Greion's Whisper | グレイヲンの囁き | June 22, 2019 (JP) | July 26, 2019 (EN) | |
8 | The Last Delete End | June 29, 2019 (JP) | August 3, 2019 (EN) | ||
9 | Ruler's Resolution | 王者の決意 | July 6, 2019 (JP) | August 10, 2019 (EN) | |
10 | Stand Up!! Vanguard Koshien!! | スタンドアップ!!ヴァンガード甲子園!! | July 13, 2019 (JP) | August 17, 2019 (EN) | |
11 | Welcome Back, Kai | おかえり、櫂 | July 20, 2019 (JP) | August 24, 2019 (EN) | |
12 | Memories Neither from the Past Nor Future | 過去でも未来でもない記憶 | July 27, 2019 (JP) | August 31, 2019 (EN) | |
13 | Decisive Fight!! | 決着!! | August 3, 2019 (JP) | September 7, 2019 (EN) | |
File:CV-VD-Episode14.png | 14 | Welcome to the CF Club | ようこそ、カードファイト部へ | August 10, 2019 (JP) | September 14, 2019 (EN) |