Cards that appeared in any Cardfight Vanguard anime series.
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- Abominable One, Gilles de Rais
- Absolute Blade Knight, Livarot
- Absolute Blade Knight, Livarot (V Series)
- Absolute Ruler, Gluttony Dogma
- Abyss Freezer
- Abyss Grail
- Abyss Healer
- Abyss Healer (V Series)
- Abyss Temptation
- Abyssal Owl
- Accelerated Command
- Accumulated Attachment, Druj Nasu
- Acorn Master
- Acquire Deletor, Igor
- Adamantine Celestial, Aniel
- Administrator of Hope, Pandora
- Admired Sparkle, Spica
- Advance of the Black Chains, Kahedin
- Advance Party Brave Shooter
- Advance Party Seeker, File
- Aerial Divine Knight, Altmile
- Aid-roid, Lamedo
- Aid-roid, Resh
- Aid-roid, Zayin
- Aiming for the Stars, Artemis
- Air Raid Lion
- Alabaster Owl
- Alfred Early
- Alfred Early (V Series)
- Alice of Nightmareland
- Alluring Succubus
- Almighty Reporter
- Almsgiving Stealth Rogue, Jirokichi
- Alter Ego Messiah
- Alter Ego Messiah (V Series)
- Alter Ego Neo Messiah
- Amber Dragon, Dawn
- Amber Dragon, Daylight
- Amber Dragon, Dusk
- Amber Dragon, Eclipse
- Ambitious Spirit Revenger, Cormack
- Ambush Demon Stealth Dragon, Shibarakku Buster
- Ambush Demon Stealth Rogue, Yasuie Tenma
- Ambush Dragon Eradicator, Linchu
- Amethyst Beast Tamer
- Amon's Follower, Cruel Hand
- Amon's Follower, Fate Collector
- Amon's Follower, Hell's Deal
- Amon's Follower, Hell's Draw
- Amon's Follower, Hell's Trick
- Amon's Follower, Phu Geenlin
- Amon's Follower, Ron Geenlin
- Amon's Follower, Vlad Specula
- Anarchia Idea-drone
- Ancient Dragon, Babyrex
- Ancient Dragon, Beamankylo
- Ancient Dragon, Criollofall
- Ancient Dragon, Dinocrowd
- Ancient Dragon, Dinodile
- Ancient Dragon, Gattlingaro
- Ancient Dragon, Iguanogorg
- Ancient Dragon, Ornithhealer
- Ancient Dragon, Paraswall
- Ancient Dragon, Spinodriver
- Ancient Dragon, Stegobuster
- Ancient Dragon, Titanocargo
- Ancient Dragon, Tyrannolegend
- Ancient Dragon, Tyrannoquake
- Anemone Musketeer, Susanna
- Angelic Liberator
- Aperture Star-vader, Quantum
- Apex Ruler, Bastion
- Apex-surpassing Sword, Bastion Prime
- Apocalypse Bat
- Apple Witch, Cider
- Application Researcher, Ponbelly
- Aqua Breath Dracokid
- Arbitrator, Ame-no-Sagiri
- Arboros Dragon, Branch (V Series)
- Arboros Dragon, Sephirot (V Series)
- Arc Saver Dragon (V Series)
- Arch-aider, Malkuth-melekh
- Archbird
- Ardent Jewel Knight, Polli
- Ardor Dragon Master, Amanda
- Armed Brawler, Kohiko
- Armed Instructor, Bison
- Armed Liberator, Gwydion
- Armor Break Dragon
- Armor of the Flame Dragon, Bahr
- Army Penguin
- Artilleryman (V Series)
- Asleep Messiah
- Assassin Sword Eradicator, Susei
- Assault Dragon, Blightops
- Assault Monster, Gunrock
- Asteroid Wolf
- Astraia of the Full Heavens
- Asura Kaiser
- Atlas of Heavenly Sphere
- Augury Maiden, Ida
- Aurora Battle Princess, Seraph Snow
- Aurora Battle Princess, Suppress Gleamer
- Aurora Fierce Princess, Seraph Purelight
- Aurora Ribbon Pigeon
- Awaking Messiah
- Awaking Revenger
- Baby Camara
- Baby-blue-eyes Musketeer, May Len
- Bad Eater Clown
- Bad End Dragger
- Baleful Repressor
- Banding Jewel Knight, Miranda
- Bangasa Stealth Rogue, Sukerock
- Barcgal
- Barking Cerberus
- Barking Dragon Tamer (V Series)
- Barking Manticore
- Barking Wyvern
- Barrage Eradicator, Zion
- Barrier Star-vader, Promethium
- Barrier Troop Revenger, Dorint
- Barrier Witch, Grainne
- Baton Brawler, Sogo
- Battering Minotaur
- Battle Cupid, Nociel
- Battle Deity of the Night, Artemis
- Battle Deity, Susanoo
- Battle Flag Knight, Constance
- Battle Maiden, Amenohoakari
- Battle Maiden, Kotonoha
- Battle Maiden, Kukurihime
- Battle Maiden, Kukurihime (V Series)
- Battle Maiden, Mihikarihime
- Battle Maiden, Sahohime
- Battle Maiden, Sayorihime
- Battle Maiden, Senri
- Battle Maiden, Tagitsuhime
- Battle Maiden, Tatsutahime
- Battle Siren, Adelaide
- Battle Siren, Cynthia
- Battle Siren, Dorothea
- Battle Siren, Dorothea (V Series)
- Battle Siren, Imelda
- Battle Siren, Ketty
- Battle Siren, Mallika
- Battle Siren, Theresa
- Battle Sister, Baumkuchen
- Battle Sister, Chocolat
- Battle Sister, Cocoa
- Battle Sister, Cocotte
- Battle Sister, Cookie
- Battle Sister, Cream
- Battle Sister, Florentine
- Battle Sister, Fromage
- Battle Sister, Glace
- Battle Sister, Kipferl
- Battle Sister, Lollipop
- Battle Sister, Macaron
- Battle Sister, Madeleine
- Battle Sister, Maple
- Battle Sister, Marshmallow
- Battle Sister, Mille-feuille
- Battle Sister, Mocha
- Battle Sister, Muffin
- Battle Sister, Omelet
- Battle Sister, Pannacotta
- Battle Sister, Sable
- Battle Sister, Taffy
- Battle Sister, Tarte
- Battle Sister, Waffle
- Battlefield Storm, Sagramore
- Battlefield Storm, Sagramore (V Series)
- Battler of the Twin Brush, Polaris
- Battleraizer
- Battleraizer (V Series)
- Battleship Intelligence
- Battleship Intelligence (V Series)
- Bearing Rover
- Beast Deity, Azure Dragon
- Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (V Series)
- Beast Deity, Black Tortoise
- Beast Deity, Black Tortoise (V Series)
- Beast Deity, Blank Marsh
- Beast Deity, Brainy Papio
- Beast Deity, Bright Cobra
- Beast Deity, Damned Leo
- Beast Deity, Death Stinger
- Beast Deity, Desert Gator
- Beast Deity, Ethics Buster
- Beast Deity, Golden Anglet
- Beast Deity, Hatred Chaos
- Beast Deity, Hilarity Destroyer
- Beast Deity, Max Beat
- Beast Deity, Rescue Bunny
- Beast Deity, Riot Horn
- Beast Deity, Scarlet Bird (V Series)
- Beast Deity, Solar Falcon
- Beast Deity, Van Paurus
- Beast Deity, White Tiger