Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
V-BT08-005-VR (Sample)

Great Cosmic Hero, Grandgallop (V Series)

The "Cosmic Heroes" (ちゅう勇機ヒーロー Uchū Hīrō) is a set of Battleroid cards that include "Cosmic Hero" in their card names, exclusive to the Dimension Police clan, and introduced in G Extra Booster 1: Cosmic Roar.

The Cosmic Heroes focus on increasing the power of their rear-guards along with their vanguard. Many of their skills give power to multiple units, or trigger off of gaining power from an effect.


The Technology of the Cosmic Heroes (February 26, 2015)

Cosmic Heroes are heroes of justice, descending to Cray from another dimension due to the influence of "Interdimensional Crosstalk". Their actions against the evil are beyond dimensions, as they would depart from their headquarter dimension and fly to other dimensions according to the orders they receive.

In a certain battlefield, they encountered an unknown group which traveled across time and space. The time-travelers used mysterious energy which is different to the energy of "Cosmic Heroes" or the energy of "Dimensional Robo" (The headquarters of Cosmic Heroes and Dimensional Robos are established in separate dimensions). Though technologists of that time couldn't understand theories like "the energy generated when time is rewound", the encounter of new technologies brought inspiration to the specialists. Now, they are developing a perpetual energy supply system fueled by the righteous hearts of the Cosmic Heroes.

Cosmic Heroes, take flight (March 2, 2015)

...We come to this planet for no coincidence. As the soundless justice-seeking voice surpasses the dimensions and summon us.

The Cosmic Heroes travel across the dimensions and fight against the evil. When they were flying towards another dimension on their duties, they were forced to land on Cray accidentally due to the distortion of the meta-dimensional space. Though the situation was critical due to the influence of "Interdimensional Crosstalk", the troops didn't suffer great casualties thanks to the directorship of the young leader "Grandgallop".

After that, they joined "Dimension Police" who shares the same aspiration with them, and stand against the evil that disrupts the peace of the planet, while thinking the destiny that lead them to this land...

It was a few moments before Star Gate was struck by the threat named "Dark Superhuman, Omega"...

Who are the Cosmic Heroes? (Monthly Bushiroad 2015 April Issue)

It is the general name of a group of metallic lifeforms who came from another dimension. They are different from "Dimensional Robos", but a portion of their technologies highly resemble the Dimensional Robos', and it is postulated that they share the same origin with Dimensional Robos. Because they are young warriors, their reckless actions are flies in the ointment, but they act like soldiers and exterminate enemies in an ordered manner in battles.

List of "Cosmic Hero" Cards[]

Grade 0[]

Card Name Race Type Format
Cosmic Hero, Grandbeat Battleroid Trigger (Critical)
Cosmic Hero, Grandbeat (V Series) Battleroid Trigger (Critical)/Sentinel V Premium
Cosmic Hero, Grandhop Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandrescue Battleroid Trigger (Heal)
Cosmic Hero, Grandscold Battleroid Trigger (Stand)
Cosmic Hero, Grandseed Battleroid

Grade 1[]

Card Name Race Type Format
Cosmic Hero, Grandaider Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandchopper Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandguard Battleroid Sentinel (Perfect Guard)
Cosmic Hero, Grandgunner Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandlady Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandleaf Battleroid Sentinel (Perfect Guard)
Cosmic Hero, Grandmonk Battleroid Sentinel (Perfect Guard)
Cosmic Hero, Grandpolice Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandranger Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandrope Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandrope (V Series) Battleroid V Premium
Cosmic Hero, Grandscout Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandvicle Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandwagon Battleroid

Grade 2[]

Card Name Race Type Format
Cosmic Hero, Grandbalger Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandberet Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandfire Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandhogan Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandkungfu Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandrifter Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandsub Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandvolver Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandvolver (V Series) Battleroid V Premium
Cosmic Hero, Grandwisdom Battleroid

Grade 3[]

Card Name Race Type Format
Cosmic Hero, Grandgardy Battleroid
Cosmic Hero, Grandsmasher Battleroid
Great Cosmic Hero, Grandabbot Battleroid
Great Cosmic Hero, Grandbazooka Battleroid
Great Cosmic Hero, Grandgallop Battleroid
Great Cosmic Hero, Grandgallop (V Series) Battleroid Force V Premium
Great Cosmic Hero, Grandmantle Battleroid

Grade 4[]

Card Name Race Type Format
Super Cosmic Hero, X-carivou Battleroid G unit (G guardian)
Super Cosmic Hero, X-falcon Battleroid G unit (Stride)
Super Cosmic Hero, X-gallop Battleroid G unit (Stride)
Super Cosmic Hero, X-lead Battleroid G unit (Stride)
Super Cosmic Hero, X-phoenix Battleroid G unit (Stride)
Super Cosmic Hero, X-rogue Battleroid G unit (Stride)
Super Cosmic Hero, X-tiger Battleroid G unit (Stride)

List of Support Cards[]

Grade 3[]

Card Name Race Type Format
Battlefang, Helltiger Battleroid Force V Premium


  • The kanji "勇機" used for Hero can be translated as "Brave Machine".