Original | V Series | ZERO |
Crimson Impact, Metatron
真紅の奇跡 メタトロン
Name | Crimson Impact, Metatron |
Kanji | 真紅の奇跡 メタトロン |
Kana | クリムゾン・インパクト メタトロン |
Phonetic | Kurimuzon Inpakuto Metatoron |
Grade / Skill | Grade 3 / Twin Drive!! |
Power | 10000 |
Critical | 1 |
Nation | United Sanctuary |
Clan | Angel Feather |
Race | Angel |
Format | Premium |
Illust | NINNIN |
Card Set(s) |
Card Flavor(s) |
(RRR): Be prepared! I’m going to heal you up real good! (SP): Crimson wings blanket the heavens. Undoubtedly, a miracle has occurred. |
Card Effect(s) |
[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (1) & Choose two of your «Angel Feather» rear-guards, and put them into your damage zone] Choose two face up «Angel Feather» from your damage zone, and call them to (RC). This ability cannot be used for the rest of that turn. [AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until the end of that battle. |
Tournament Status | |
EN | Unrestricted |
JP | Unrestricted |
KR | Unrestricted |
TH | Unrestricted |
IT | Unrestricted |
Gallery | Tips | Rulings | Lores |
Errata | Trivia | JP Database |