Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Original V Series ZERO

Diviner, Kuroikazuchi
็ฅžใ‹ใ‚“ๅ‡ชใชใŽ ใ‚ฏใƒญใ‚คใ‚ซใƒ…ใƒ
Name Diviner, Kuroikazuchi
Kanji ็ฅžๅ‡ช ใ‚ฏใƒญใ‚คใ‚ซใƒ…ใƒ
Kana ใ‹ใ‚“ใชใŽ ใ‚ฏใƒญใ‚คใ‚ซใƒ…ใƒ
Phonetic Kan'nagi Kuroikazuchi
Italian Kuroikazuchi, Divinatore
Grade / Skill Grade 2 / Sk intercept Intercept
Power Power icon 9000
Critical Critical icon 1
Shield Shield icon 5000
Nation Co united United Sanctuary
Clan Oracle Think Tank
Race Human
Format V-icon Premium / Premium
Illust ่—คใกใ‚‡ใ“
Card Set(s)
Card Flavor(s)
Will there be rainfall? Or will there be spearfall?
Card Effect(s)
[ACT](VC/RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1) & Discard a card from your hand], reveal the top card of your deck and put it into your hand, and activate all of the trigger effects of the revealed card. If you revealed a normal unit, this unit gets [Power]+6000 until end of turn.
Tournament Status
EN Unrestricted
JP Unrestricted
KR Unrestricted
TH Unrestricted
IT Unrestricted
Gallery Tips Rulings Lores
Errata Trivia JP Database
