Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Original Gallery Data V Series

Eru Nakagami is a character in Cardfight!! Vanguard (V Series Anime). He says he wields a "unique power" known as the "Evil Eye", and that his right arm is "cursed", and leads the Paranormal Power Research Society, but assists the Student Council with their fight against the Miyaji Academy Cardfight Club. He is currently a third year at Miyaji Academy High School.


He wears the male uniform from Miyaji Academy. However, he wears his jacket loosely, as it hangs off of his shoulders. His "cursed arm" is bandaged up, and his spiky, swirly hair has a headband that is also made up of bandages. He has teal eyes, with his left eye also being bandaged up.


Part 3 - Re-Establishing the Vanguard Club[]

Eru's first appearance was sometime after the Brandt VS Earth Fate Battle after time was rewritten to help smooth over the process of the aftereffects of the battles.  He's been trying to get his Psyhic Research Club approved by the Miyaji Student Council but failed many times due to lack of members.  His chance arrived once the Student Council figured out that the Cardfight Club only had four members sign their names on the registration form (due to Kourin no longer attending Miyaji).  Despite his lack of friends and members, he attempted to make the club and finally found his way into the battle between the Student Council and the Cardfight Club.  He witnesses Aichi teaching the Student Council how to play Vanguard and says that he wants to battle with Aichi in a coloful fashion, but was reminded that he would not be participating in the tourey.  Shocked, but wanting to maintain his image, he says that Aichi got off lucky.

The next day, the battle began as Maki Nagashiro and Naoki battled it out for the first win.  Naoki managed to defeat Nagashiro and stepped up to the plate against Shingo whom he had defeated previously.  Eru had 'unlocked' his hidden powers by unwrapping the bandages from around his arm (which shocked Misaki to gush out about light novel characters with similar designs, coming to the conclusion that Eru's markings are 'original) and his eye, causing Shingo to freak out.  However, once Shingo regains his flow and plays Vanguard his way, he defeats Eru and overcomes his image.

He then watches as the Council President, Tatewaki Naitou, with Aichi as his coach and supervisor, goes against the rumored Backstage Boss Lady, Misaki.  He then tells Tatewaki about a  mysterious figure controlling the school from behind the scenes and elludes it to be her.  In a passionate rage, Tatewaki promises to defeat the Boss Lady and save the school, much to her irritation.  He shows off a prophetic notebook called the Elle Note and says that whatever is written inside will come true, that being that the President would defeat Misaki. Despite his luck at drawing Trigger after Trigger, when it mattered most, he was unable to draw a Trigger.  It is then that they all learned of Misaki's eideitc memory and how she knew that she would be safe.  Misaki proceeded to defeat Tatewaki and have all of them join the club, putting them well past the five members required for club registeration.  

After the battle, they convene in the club room to discuss their next step also learning that while no one was looking, Eru changed the name of the Cardfight Vanguard and Psychic Research Club.  It was then that Maki had pointed out that they still haven't solved the mystery of the discrepency with the fourm and even pointed out that the picture of the original members looked like it was framed for five people, not four.  It was then that Eru explained that there was something amiss with the world line.  He likened it to a rail that guides a train and that time goes straight but there can be deviated paths.  Such a case may have happened to the Vanguard Club.  However, everyone ignored him and focused on the Vangaurd Koshien.


He was first revealed as a silhouette in the promotional trailer for the anime-exclusive arc of Cardfight!! Vanguard (V Series Anime).
