"FL∀MMe-Glam" (フラム・グラム Furamu Guramu) is a series of cards exclusive to the Lyrical Monasterio nation, first introduced in DZ Booster Set 02: Illusionless Strife.
The "FL∀MMe-Glam" archetype is centered around their Grade 0 First Vanguard, "FL∀MMe-Glam, Bleucrea". Their main Vanguard, "Rougia" is able to ride into "Bleucrea" after attacking provided that at least three different named "FL∀MMe-Glam" units are on the field, giving the player an additional Vanguard attack, while other "FL∀MMe-Glam" Units have abilities that activate as long as "Bleucrea" is the Vanguard. "Rougia" is also able to Call additional "FL∀MMe-Glam" Units from the Deck to facilitate meeting the condition to ride into "Bleucrea".
Supporting units feature the ability to return "FL∀MMe-Glam" cards in the player's Drop Zone into the deck in order to generate resources while also allowing the player to continue recycling and searching the FL∀MMe-Glams. Since "Bleucrea" is a 6000 Power Grade 0 unit, the archetype emphasizes increasing its Power considerably to make the additional Vanguard attack more powerful.
List of "FL∀MMe-G" Cards[]
Grade 0[]
Card Name | Race | Type |
FL∀MMe-Glam, Bleucrea | Human |
Grade 1[]
Card Name | Race | Type |
FL∀MMe-Glam, Jaunna | Human |
Grade 2[]
Card Name | Race | Type |
FL∀MMe-Glam, Velt | Human | |
FL∀MMe-Glam Support Guitar, Grenadine | Elf |
Grade 3[]
Card Name | Race | Type |
FL∀MMe-Glam, Rougia | Human |
List of "FL∀MMe-G" Support[]
Grade 1[]
Card Name | Race | Type |
Dive to Blue, Lycaris | Warbeast | |
Groaning Bass, Nebroeli | Demon | |
Leave the Makeup to Me, Eshma | Demon |
Grade 2[]
Card Name | Race | Type |
Admission is Long Over, Bimet | Demon | |
Fly Up My Heart! Purson | Demon | |
Overcoming Numerous Total Failures, Amdukia | Demon | |
The Heat from the Live Hasn't Yet Cooled Down, Philio | Dragoroid |