Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
DZ-BT02-016EN-RRR (Sample)

FL∀MMe-Glam, Rougia

"FL∀MMe-Glam" (フラム・グラム Furamu Guramu) is a series of cards exclusive to the Lyrical Monasterio nation, first introduced in DZ Booster Set 02: Illusionless Strife.


The "FL∀MMe-Glam" archetype is centered around their Grade 0 First Vanguard, "FL∀MMe-Glam, Bleucrea". Their main Vanguard, "Rougia" is able to ride into "Bleucrea" after attacking provided that at least three different named "FL∀MMe-Glam" units are on the field, giving the player an additional Vanguard attack, while other "FL∀MMe-Glam" Units have abilities that activate as long as "Bleucrea" is the Vanguard. "Rougia" is also able to Call additional "FL∀MMe-Glam" Units from the Deck to facilitate meeting the condition to ride into "Bleucrea".

Supporting units feature the ability to return "FL∀MMe-Glam" cards in the player's Drop Zone into the deck in order to generate resources while also allowing the player to continue recycling and searching the FL∀MMe-Glams. Since "Bleucrea" is a 6000 Power Grade 0 unit, the archetype emphasizes increasing its Power considerably to make the additional Vanguard attack more powerful.

List of "FL∀MMe-G" Cards[]

Grade 0[]

Card Name Race Type
FL∀MMe-Glam, Bleucrea Human

Grade 1[]

Card Name Race Type
FL∀MMe-Glam, Jaunna Human

Grade 2[]

Card Name Race Type
FL∀MMe-Glam, Velt Human
FL∀MMe-Glam Support Guitar, Grenadine Elf

Grade 3[]

Card Name Race Type
FL∀MMe-Glam, Rougia Human

List of "FL∀MMe-G" Support[]

Grade 1[]

Card Name Race Type
Dive to Blue, Lycaris Warbeast
Groaning Bass, Nebroeli Demon
Leave the Makeup to Me, Eshma Demon

Grade 2[]

Card Name Race Type
Admission is Long Over, Bimet Demon
Fly Up My Heart! Purson Demon
Overcoming Numerous Total Failures, Amdukia Demon
The Heat from the Live Hasn't Yet Cooled Down, Philio Dragoroid
