"Glorious Bravery of Radiant Sword" is the 7th G Booster Set released in the Japanese and English formats.
- Includes 104 cards (2 GR, 8 RRR, 12 RR, 22 R and 60 C) + 35 SP (Parallel) + 2 SGR (Parallel) cards.
- There are 103 new cards and 1 reprint with new illustration.
- Includes further support for the Gold Paladin, Angel Feather, Kagero, Dimension Police, Dark Irregulars and Gear Chronicle clans, as well as Cray Elemental cards.
- Introduces the keywords "Blaze", "Darkness", "Rescue" and "Burst".
- The package illustration is of Chrono Shindou and Taiyou Asukawa.
- The booster's slogan is "Stride forth! A radiant future is in these hands!"
- Pre-ordering 4 English displays from April 15th 2016, you get an exclusive Black Seraph, Gavrail Ultra PRO playmat.
- Each English display includes 2 of the following promo cards:
Azul/Azusa/COGA/DaisukeIzuka/Eel/funbolt/Hako/Hirokorin/HMK84/KAZTO FURUYA/lack/LQH/mado*pen/NINNIN/TODEE/ToMo/touge369/uni/wild boad 33/xiaji/アオガチョウ/あおじ/麻谷知世/安達洋介/天野英/あんべよしろう/石田バル/イシバシヨウスケ/伊藤彰/伊藤未生/ウスダヒロ/海鵜げそ/えびら/沖路/オンダカツキ/かわすみ/菊屋シロウ/喜久屋めがね/木下勇樹/樹人/葛谷荘人/倉本可南/古賀あずさ/近藤途轍/茶壱/齋藤タヶオ/榊原璃子/サカヤギ/坂井結城/サブロー/鹿澄ハル/シノマル/斯比/霜月友/ショースケ/白井秀実/じんてつ/ゼンジ/タイキ/田島幸枝/タダ/田所哲平/たにめそ/谷裕司/筒井海砂/椿春雨/てるみぃ/とい/中村エイト/七片藍/ねじ太/萩谷薫/パトリシア/ぴよ/ふーみ/藤ちょこ/前河悠一/増田幹生/松島一夫/祀花よう子/まろ/碧風羽/みよしの/村上ヒサシ/瞑丸イヌチヨ/めろん22/百瀬寿/モレシャン/山﨑奈苗/やまだ六角/ヨシモト/よも
カードファイト!! ヴァンガード ブースターパック 第7弾「勇輝剣爛」TVCM
Japanese commercial
CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD G Booster Pack Vol. 7 Glorious Bravery of Radiant Sword
English commercial
Card List
Card No. |
Name |
Grade |
Clan |
Type |
Rarity |
G-BT07/001 |
Sunrise Ray Radiant Sword, Gurguit |
4 |
Gold Paladin |
G-BT07/002 |
Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Defeat Flare Dragon |
4 |
Kagero |
G-BT07/003 |
Black Seraph, Gavrail |
4 |
Angel Feather |
G-BT07/004 |
Knight of Spring's Light, Perimore |
2 |
Gold Paladin |
G-BT07/005 |
Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Dragonic Blademaster "Taiten" |
4 |
Kagero |
G-BT07/006 |
Super Cosmic Hero, X-gallop |
4 |
Dimension Police |
G-BT07/007 |
Cosmic Hero, Grandvolver |
2 |
Dimension Police |
G-BT07/008 |
Wings of Recurrence, Blade Wing Reijy |
3 |
Dark Irregulars |
G-BT07/009 |
Interdimensional Dragon, Bind Time Dragon |
4 |
Gear Chronicle |
G-BT07/010 |
Chronofang Tiger |
3 |
Gear Chronicle |
G-BT07/011 |
Holy Seraph, Suriel |
4 |
Angel Feather |
G-BT07/012 |
Doctroid Remnon |
1 |
Angel Feather |
G-BT07/013 |
Black Spark, Munkar |
0 |
Angel Feather |
Critical |
RR |
G-BT07/014 |
Golden Beast, Sleimy Flare |
4 |
Gold Paladin |
RR |
G-BT07/015 |
Scarface Lion |
0 |
Gold Paladin |
Critical |
RR |
G-BT07/016 |
Flame Wing Steel Beast, Denial Griffin |
4 |
Kagero |
RR |
G-BT07/017 |
Escort Dragon Attendant, Reas |
1 |
Kagero |
G-BT07/018 |
Super Cosmic Hero, X-carivou |
4 |
Dimension Police |
RR |
G-BT07/019 |
Cosmic Hero, Grandleaf |
1 |
Dimension Police |
G-BT07/020 |
Nighttime Gentleman, Saint-Germain |
4 |
Dark Irregulars |
RR |
G-BT07/021 |
One-eyed Succubus |
0 |
Dark Irregulars |
Critical |
RR |
G-BT07/022 |
Highbrow Steam, Raphanna |
4 |
Gear Chronicle |
G-BT07/023 |
Retractor, Sarakiel |
3 |
Angel Feather |
R |
G-BT07/024 |
Black Dream, Zabaniya |
2 |
Angel Feather |
R |
G-BT07/025 |
Black Bomber, Maalik |
1 |
Angel Feather |
R |
G-BT07/026 |
Nurse of Smash Heart |
1 |
Angel Feather |
R |
G-BT07/027 |
Dawnngal |
3 |
Gold Paladin |
R |
G-BT07/028 |
Flame Wind Lion, Wonder Ezel |
2 |
Gold Paladin |
R |
G-BT07/029 |
Sunshine Knight, Jeffrey |
1 |
Gold Paladin |
R |
G-BT07/030 |
Holy Mage, Irena |
1 |
Gold Paladin |
R |
G-BT07/031 |
Spherical Lord Dragon |
3 |
Kagero |
R |
G-BT07/032 |
Dragon Fang Chain-shots, Sutherland |
3 |
Kagero |
R |
G-BT07/033 |
Radiant Dragon |
2 |
Kagero |
R |
G-BT07/034 |
Dragon Knight, Roia |
1 |
Kagero |
R |
G-BT07/035 |
Super Giant of Light, Enigman Crossray |
4 |
Dimension Police |
R |
G-BT07/036 |
Great Cosmic Hero, Grandmantle |
3 |
Dimension Police |
R |
G-BT07/037 |
Cosmic Hero, Grandrifter |
2 |
Dimension Police |
R |
G-BT07/038 |
Mask of Demonic Frenzy, Ericrius |
4 |
Dark Irregulars |
R |
G-BT07/039 |
Nine-break Hustler |
3 |
Dark Irregulars |
R |
G-BT07/040 |
Doppel Vampir |
2 |
Dark Irregulars |
R |
G-BT07/041 |
Doreen the Thruster |
1 |
Dark Irregulars |
R |
G-BT07/042 |
Blade Wing Tyrwhitt |
1 |
Dark Irregulars |
R |
G-BT07/043 |
Interdimensional Beast, Float-gear Hippogriff |
4 |
Gear Chronicle |
R |
G-BT07/044 |
Steam Scalar, Emellanna |
1 |
Gear Chronicle |
R |
G-BT07/045 |
Requiem Pegasus |
3 |
Angel Feather |
C |
G-BT07/046 |
Treatment Nurse |
2 |
Angel Feather |
C |
G-BT07/047 |
Frontal Celestial, Mel'ejal |
2 |
Angel Feather |
C |
G-BT07/048 |
Laser Clutcher, Ke'el |
2 |
Angel Feather |
C |
G-BT07/049 |
Rear Impetus Celestial, Armaiti |
2 |
Angel Feather |
C |
G-BT07/050 |
Celestial, Emergency Pegasus |
1 |
Angel Feather |
C |
G-BT07/051 |
Drill Motor Nurse |
1 |
Angel Feather |
C |
G-BT07/052 |
Black Report, Ridwan |
0 |
Angel Feather |
C |
G-BT07/053 |
Surgery Angel |
0 |
Angel Feather |
Stand |
C |
G-BT07/054 |
Knight of Compassionate Light, Bradott |
3 |
Gold Paladin |
C |
G-BT07/055 |
Bullrgal |
2 |
Gold Paladin |
C |
G-BT07/056 |
Knight of the Faint Sun, Marcia |
2 |
Gold Paladin |
C |
G-BT07/057 |
Crimson Lion Beast, Howell |
1 |
Gold Paladin |
C |
G-BT07/058 |
Holy Mage, Connor |
1 |
Gold Paladin |
C |
G-BT07/059 |
Aquamarine Lion, Shyte |
0 |
Gold Paladin |
C |
G-BT07/060 |
Bashhgal |
0 |
Gold Paladin |
C |
G-BT07/061 |
Player of the Holy Pipe, Gerrie |
0 |
Gold Paladin |
Stand |
C |
G-BT07/062 |
Dragon Knight, Basuit |
3 |
Kagero |
C |
G-BT07/063 |
Wyvern Strike, Galgi |
3 |
Kagero |
C |
G-BT07/064 |
Dragon Knight, Nadim |
2 |
Kagero |
C |
G-BT07/065 |
Seal Dragon, Barathea |
2 |
Kagero |
C |
G-BT07/066 |
Apex Dragon Mage, Kinnara |
2 |
Kagero |
C |
G-BT07/067 |
Dragon Dancer, Marcel |
1 |
Kagero |
C |
G-BT07/068 |
Dragon Knight, Nadel |
1 |
Kagero |
C |
G-BT07/069 |
Seal Dragon, Doskin |
1 |
Kagero |
C |
G-BT07/070 |
Serrated Dracokid |
0 |
Kagero |
C |
G-BT07/071 |
Spiritburn Dragon |
0 |
Kagero |
Critical |
C |
G-BT07/072 |
Inspire Yell Dragon |
0 |
Kagero |
Stand |
C |
G-BT07/073 |
Cosmic Hero, Grandgardy |
3 |
Dimension Police |
C |
G-BT07/074 |
Elegance Feather |
3 |
Dimension Police |
C |
G-BT07/075 |
Enigman Crescent |
2 |
Dimension Police |
C |
G-BT07/076 |
Menacing Monster, Golmenas |
2 |
Dimension Police |
C |
G-BT07/077 |
Enigman Squall |
1 |
Dimension Police |
C |
G-BT07/078 |
Cosmic Hero, Grandvicle |
1 |
Dimension Police |
C |
G-BT07/079 |
Foxy Charmy |
1 |
Dimension Police |
C |
G-BT07/080 |
Magical Inspector Tolbe |
1 |
Dimension Police |
C |
G-BT07/081 |
Cosmic Hero, Grandhop |
0 |
Dimension Police |
C |
G-BT07/082 |
Justice Gold |
0 |
Dimension Police |
Critical |
C |
G-BT07/083 |
Enigman Warm |
0 |
Dimension Police |
Draw |
C |
G-BT07/084 |
Operator Girl, Erika |
0 |
Dimension Police |
Heal |
C |
G-BT07/085 |
Cosmic Hero, Grandscold |
0 |
Dimension Police |
Stand |
C |
G-BT07/086 |
Frosty Steeple |
3 |
Dark Irregulars |
C |
G-BT07/087 |
Tragic Claw |
2 |
Dark Irregulars |
C |
G-BT07/088 |
Blade Wing Sykes |
2 |
Dark Irregulars |
C |
G-BT07/089 |
Three-in the Dark |
2 |
Dark Irregulars |
C |
G-BT07/090 |
Combust Vampir |
1 |
Dark Irregulars |
C |
G-BT07/091 |
Serpent Charmer |
1 |
Dark Irregulars |
C |
G-BT07/092 |
Blade Wing Rodbiss |
1 |
Dark Irregulars |
C |
G-BT07/093 |
Enigmatic Assassin |
0 |
Dark Irregulars |
C |
G-BT07/094 |
Werbrummbar Soldat |
0 |
Dark Irregulars |
Stand |
C |
G-BT07/095 |
Square-one Dragon |
3 |
Gear Chronicle |
C |
G-BT07/096 |
Steam Knight, Mudar |
2 |
Gear Chronicle |
C |
G-BT07/097 |
Drain-valve Dragon |
2 |
Gear Chronicle |
C |
G-BT07/098 |
Quiet Sleep-calling Gear Tapir |
2 |
Gear Chronicle |
C |
G-BT07/099 |
Steam Fighter, Attab |
1 |
Gear Chronicle |
C |
G-BT07/100 |
Parallel Barrel Dragon |
1 |
Gear Chronicle |
C |
G-BT07/101 |
Steam Fighter, Nanneya |
1 |
Gear Chronicle |
C |
G-BT07/102 |
Tooth-edge Dracokid |
0 |
Gear Chronicle |
C |
G-BT07/103 |
Steam Scalar, Lange |
0 |
Gear Chronicle |
Critical |
C |
G-BT07/104 |
Snow Elemental, Hyakko |
1 |
Cray Elemental |
C |
G-BT07/S13 |
Golden Beast, Sleimy Flare |
4 |
Gold Paladin |
SP |
G-BT07/S14 |
Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit |
3 |
Gold Paladin |
SP |
G-BT07/S15 |
Dawning Knight, Gorboduc |
1 |
Gold Paladin |
SP |
G-BT07/S16 |
Scarface Lion |
0 |
Gold Paladin |
Critical |
SP |
G-BT07/S17 |
Holy Seraph, Suriel |
4 |
Angel Feather |
SP |
G-BT07/S18 |
Black Shiver, Gavrail |
3 |
Angel Feather |
SP |
G-BT07/S19 |
Black Call, Nakir |
1 |
Angel Feather |
SP |
G-BT07/S20 |
Black Spark, Munkar |
0 |
Angel Feather |
Critical |
SP |
G-BT07/S21 |
Flame Wing Steel Beast, Denial Griffin |
4 |
Kagero |
SP |
G-BT07/S22 |
Dragonic Blademaster |
3 |
Kagero |
SP |
G-BT07/S23 |
Lava Flow Dragon |
1 |
Kagero |
SP |
G-BT07/S24 |
Dragon Knight, Jannat |
0 |
Kagero |
Critical |
SP |
G-BT07/S25 |
Super Cosmic Hero, X-carivou |
4 |
Dimension Police |
SP |
G-BT07/S26 |
Great Cosmic Hero, Grandgallop |
3 |
Dimension Police |
SP |
G-BT07/S27 |
Cosmic Hero, Grandrope |
1 |
Dimension Police |
SP |
G-BT07/S28 |
Cosmic Hero, Grandbeat |
0 |
Dimension Police |
Critical |
SP |
G-BT07/S29 |
Abominable One, Gilles de Rais |
4 |
Dark Irregulars |
SP |
G-BT07/S30 |
Nighttime Gentleman, Saint-Germain |
4 |
Dark Irregulars |
SP |
G-BT07/S31 |
Scharhrot Vampir |
3 |
Dark Irregulars |
SP |
G-BT07/S32 |
Succubus of Pure Love |
1 |
Dark Irregulars |
SP |
G-BT07/S33 |
One-eyed Succubus |
0 |
Dark Irregulars |
Critical |
SP |
G-BT07/S34 |
Steam Scalar, Emellanna |
1 |
Gear Chronicle |
SP |
G-BT07/S35 |
Steam Maiden, Arlim |
1 |
Gear Chronicle |
SP |
Clan/Grade Breakdown