"The GENIUS STRATEGY" is the 2nd G Technical Booster released in the Japanese and English formats.
- Includes 75 cards (3 GR, 6 RRR, 12 RR, 21 R and 33 C) + 3 SGR (Parallel) cards + 12 SP cards.
- 25 cards in total from each clan.
- There are 70 new cards and 5 reprints with new illustrations.
- Includes further support for the Murakumo, Megacolony and Great Nature clans.
- Introduces a new keyword to the three clans; "Shadowstitch", "Dark Device" and "Success".
- Each pack includes 7 cards, two of them being R or greater.
- Each carton includes 24 displays, and each display includes 12 packs.
HMK84/KAZTO FURUYA/lack/touge369/uni/yum/あおじ/安達洋介/海鵜げそ/かわすみ/菊屋シロウ/樹人/葛谷荘人/獣道/古賀あずさ/齋藤タヶオ/サカヤギ/鹿澄ハル/東雲ルリヲ/篠丸峰山/白井秀実/じんてつ/田島幸枝/田所哲平/たにめそ/谷裕司/中村エイト/七片藍/猫えモン/ねじ太/萩谷薫/はま/前河悠一/増田幹生/祀花よう子/まるえ/碧風羽/ミヤジマハル/みよしの/瞑丸イヌチヨ/めろん22/百瀬寿/モレシャン/山﨑奈苗
カードファイト!! ヴァンガードG テクニカルブースター 第2弾「The GENIUS STRATEGY」TVCM
Japanese commercial
English commercial
Card List[]
Card No. |
Name |
Grade |
Clan |
Type |
Rarity |
G-TCB02/001 |
Ambush Demon Stealth Dragon, Shibarakku Buster |
4 |
Murakumo |
G-TCB02/002 |
Lawless Mutant Deity, Obtirandus |
4 |
Megacolony |
G-TCB02/003 |
Omniscience Dragon, Afanc |
4 |
Great Nature |
G-TCB02/004 |
Ambush Demon Stealth Rogue, Yasuie Tenma |
4 |
Murakumo |
G-TCB02/005 |
Covert Demonic Dragon, Aragoto Spark |
3 |
Murakumo |
G-TCB02/006 |
Merciless Mutant Deity, Darkface |
4 |
Megacolony |
G-TCB02/007 |
Sky-slicing Rending General, Superior Mantis |
3 |
Megacolony |
G-TCB02/008 |
Sage-saint Professor, Bigbelly |
4 |
Great Nature |
G-TCB02/009 |
Special Appointment Professor, Arusha |
3 |
Great Nature |
G-TCB02/010 |
Ambush Demon Stealth Rogue, Shishiyuzuki |
4 |
Murakumo |
G-TCB02/011 |
Dueling Dragon King, ZANGEKI |
3 |
Murakumo |
RR |
G-TCB02/012 |
Stealth Rogue of the Silk Umbrella, Shizune |
1 |
Murakumo |
G-TCB02/013 |
Stealth Rogue of the Fiendish Blade, Masamura |
0 |
Murakumo |
Critical |
RR |
G-TCB02/014 |
Mutant Deity Fortification, Grysfort |
4 |
Megacolony |
G-TCB02/015 |
Machining Stag Beetle |
3 |
Megacolony |
RR |
G-TCB02/016 |
Hexagon Mutant, Honeycomb Queen |
1 |
Megacolony |
G-TCB02/017 |
Scissor-shot Mutant, Bombscissor |
0 |
Megacolony |
Critical |
RR |
G-TCB02/018 |
Head of the Bastion, Ardillo |
4 |
Great Nature |
G-TCB02/019 |
Hammsuke's Rival, Fountain Pen Hammkichi |
3 |
Great Nature |
RR |
G-TCB02/020 |
Tri-ruler Cat |
1 |
Great Nature |
G-TCB02/021 |
Application Researcher, Ponbelly |
0 |
Great Nature |
Critical |
RR |
G-TCB02/022 |
Ambush Demon Stealth Rogue, Kiyohime |
4 |
Murakumo |
R |
G-TCB02/023 |
Swordhunter Stealth Rogue, Oniwaka |
3 |
Murakumo |
R |
G-TCB02/024 |
Stealth Beast, Slicer Wolf |
2 |
Murakumo |
R |
G-TCB02/025 |
Stealth Dragon, Yashabayashi |
2 |
Murakumo |
R |
G-TCB02/026 |
Stealth Beast, Trickarts |
1 |
Murakumo |
R |
G-TCB02/027 |
Stealth Dragon, Onibayashi |
1 |
Murakumo |
R |
G-TCB02/028 |
Stealth Demon of Crow Feathers, Fugen |
0 |
Murakumo |
R |
G-TCB02/029 |
Dazzling Mutant Deity, Waspy Tail |
4 |
Megacolony |
R |
G-TCB02/030 |
A-rank Mutant, Sangiraffa |
3 |
Megacolony |
R |
G-TCB02/031 |
Despot Mutant, Arie Antoinette |
3 |
Megacolony |
R |
G-TCB02/032 |
Punish Stag |
2 |
Megacolony |
R |
G-TCB02/033 |
Machining Dive Beetle |
2 |
Megacolony |
R |
G-TCB02/034 |
Vulcan Lafertei |
1 |
Megacolony |
R |
G-TCB02/035 |
Childhood Command, Rosenberg |
0 |
Megacolony |
R |
G-TCB02/036 |
Lifelong Honorary Professor, Silvest |
4 |
Great Nature |
R |
G-TCB02/037 |
Stapler Penguin |
3 |
Great Nature |
R |
G-TCB02/038 |
Hammsuke's Rival, Oil-based Pen Hammjiro |
2 |
Great Nature |
R |
G-TCB02/039 |
Problem Child, Greybelly |
2 |
Great Nature |
R |
G-TCB02/040 |
Coiling Duckbill |
1 |
Great Nature |
R |
G-TCB02/041 |
Scholarship Student, Aribelly |
1 |
Great Nature |
R |
G-TCB02/042 |
Scintillating First-year Student, Littlebelly |
0 |
Great Nature |
R |
G-TCB02/043 |
Ink-dyed Stealth Rogue, Minetsuki |
3 |
Murakumo |
C |
G-TCB02/044 |
Stealth Beast, Stab Fang |
2 |
Murakumo |
C |
G-TCB02/045 |
Stealth Dragon, Dual Weapon |
2 |
Murakumo |
C |
G-TCB02/046 |
Stealth Fiend, Awakohime |
2 |
Murakumo |
C |
G-TCB02/047 |
Stealth Beast, Dron Shifter |
1 |
Murakumo |
C |
G-TCB02/048 |
Stealth Fiend, Lake Diver |
1 |
Murakumo |
C |
G-TCB02/049 |
Stealth Dragon, Mangy Shooter |
1 |
Murakumo |
C |
G-TCB02/050 |
Stealth Beast, Foxfire |
0 |
Murakumo |
Draw |
C |
G-TCB02/051 |
Stealth Rogue, Hinoekomachi |
0 |
Murakumo |
Heal |
C |
G-TCB02/052 |
Stealth Beast, Cat Devil |
0 |
Murakumo |
Critical |
C |
G-TCB02/053 |
Stealth Beast, Drench Serpent |
0 |
Murakumo |
Stand |
C |
G-TCB02/054 |
A-rank Mutant, Gragiraffa |
2 |
Megacolony |
C |
G-TCB02/055 |
Cyclic Sickle Mutant, Aristscythe |
2 |
Megacolony |
C |
G-TCB02/056 |
Hypnotic Mutant, Hypnomoth |
2 |
Megacolony |
C |
G-TCB02/057 |
Scarlet Venom |
1 |
Megacolony |
C |
G-TCB02/058 |
Machining Cricket |
1 |
Megacolony |
C |
G-TCB02/059 |
Megacolony Battler E |
1 |
Megacolony |
C |
G-TCB02/060 |
Bullet Mutant, Pillbugler |
1 |
Megacolony |
C |
G-TCB02/061 |
Machining Butterfly |
0 |
Megacolony |
Critical |
C |
G-TCB02/062 |
Machining Honeybee |
0 |
Megacolony |
Heal |
C |
G-TCB02/063 |
Ingot Chafer |
0 |
Megacolony |
Draw |
C |
G-TCB02/064 |
Makeup Widow |
0 |
Megacolony |
Stand |
C |
G-TCB02/065 |
Ink Panda |
3 |
Great Nature |
C |
G-TCB02/066 |
Archaeology Junior, Cornegie |
2 |
Great Nature |
C |
G-TCB02/067 |
Field Glass Otter |
2 |
Great Nature |
C |
G-TCB02/068 |
Anchor Rabbit |
2 |
Great Nature |
C |
G-TCB02/069 |
Hammsuke's Classmate, Mechanical Pencil Hammy |
2 |
Great Nature |
C |
G-TCB02/070 |
Hammsuke's Rival, Crayon Hammzo |
1 |
Great Nature |
C |
G-TCB02/071 |
Chalk Eraser Fennec |
1 |
Great Nature |
C |
G-TCB02/072 |
Draft Unicorn |
0 |
Great Nature |
Critical |
C |
G-TCB02/073 |
Draw of the School Cafeteria, Abysia |
0 |
Great Nature |
Heal |
C |
G-TCB02/074 |
Castanet Donkey |
0 |
Great Nature |
Draw |
C |
G-TCB02/075 |
Watering Elephant |
0 |
Great Nature |
Stand |
C |
Clan/Grade Breakdown[]
- ↑ This part only appears in the Japanese website.