Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Goddess of Abundant Crops, Otogosahime
ほうじゅくがみ オトゴサヒメ
Name Goddess of Abundant Crops, Otogosahime
Kanji 豊熟の女神 オトゴサヒメ
Kana ほうじゅくのめがみ オトゴサヒメ
Phonetic Hōjuku no Megami Otogosahime
Thai เทพธิดาแห่งการเก็บเกี่ยวอันอุดมสมบูรณ์ โอโตโกะซาฮิเมะ
Grade / Skill Grade 3 / Sk twindrive Twin Drive!!
Imaginary Gift Gift-iconProtect icon
Power Power icon 12000
Critical Critical icon 1
Nation Co united United Sanctuary
Clan Oracle Think Tank
Race Noble
Format V-icon Premium / Premium
Illust 結城リカ
Card Set(s)
Card Flavor(s)
Abundance leads to vitality that brings about peace and prosperity.
Card Effect(s)
[AUTO](VC):When placed, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and draw two cards.
[AUTO](VC):When it attacks, you may discard three cards from your hand. If you discarded three cards, until end of turn, all of your front row units get [Power]+20000, and this unit gets [Critical]+1.
Tournament Status
EN Unrestricted
JP Unrestricted
KR Unrestricted
TH Unrestricted
IT Unrestricted
Gallery Tips Rulings Lores
Errata Trivia JP Database
