Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
DZ-SS04-001-RRR (Sample)

The Strongest Grandpa, Dangerous Grandpa

Grandpa (じーさん Jiisan) is an archetype exclusive to the Dragon Empire and CoroCoro nations, receiving its first card as a promotional card in the CoroCoro Comics November 2024 issue and becoming a proper archetype in DZ Special Series 04: Extremely Huge Bebebebe Black Dangerous of Fate CoroCoro Start Deck Pack.

List of "Grandpa" cards[]

Dragon Empire[]

Grade 3[]

Card Name Race Type
Triumph Dragon User, Grandpa Human

CoroCoro/Dragon Empire[]

Grade 0[]

Card Name Race Type
What! Dangerous Grandpa Dangerous Grandpa

Grade 1[]

Card Name Race Type
Can I Have 20 Yen Please? Grandpa Dangerous Grandpa

Grade 2[]

Card Name Race Type
♫Grandpa's Drawing Song♫ Dangerous Grandpa
Failure Grandpa Dangerous Grandpa
UFO Grandpa Dangerous Grandpa

Grade 3[]

Card Name Race Type
Congratulations G3 Grandpa Dangerous Grandpa
The Strongest Grandpa, Dangerous Grandpa Dangerous Grandpa

List of Support Cards[]

CoroCoro/Dragon Empire[]

Grade 1[]

Card Name Race Type
Grandson Dangerous Grandpa
Kazutoshi Soyama (Author) Dangerous Grandpa

Grade 2[]

Card Name Race Type
♫Grandpa's Drawing Song♫ Dangerous Grandpa
Failure Grandpa Dangerous Grandpa
Gebe Dangerous Grandpa
Principal Dangerous Grandpa
UFO Grandpa Dangerous Grandpa

Grade 3[]

Card Name Race Type
Congratulations G3 Grandpa Dangerous Grandpa
Mr. Strongest Dangerous Grandpa
The Strongest Grandpa, Dangerous Grandpa Dangerous Grandpa
