Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Original V Series CF ZERO

0Icon Great Nature

Great Nature Emblem

"Great Nature" (グレートネイチャー Gurēto Neichā) is a clan from the nation of Zoo flag Zoo. It is themed around highly intelligent animals students attending and/or employed at the greatest institution in all of Planet Cray.


What is Great Nature?

It is a university of animals, located in the green nation "Zoo" of remarkably rich nature. It is the highest education institute, housing many geniuses of top-level IQ in its campus of forests and plains. It is told that there is one specialized course in this institute for everything that can be described as "knowledge", and students choose their courses based on their respective talents and interests. Students and academic staffs treat each other as comrades in "Great Nature" without barriers. They study, discuss and keep on learning. Even if they seem scratching indolently or slumbering with yawns, their brains always persist in challenging the puzzles and mysteries of the world...perhaps.


Great Nature is focused around making their rear-guards more powerful and then gain advantage from it. The main mechanic they use is giving a rear-guard [Power] Power icon+4000 at the cost of retiring that rear-guard at the end of the turn, then giving effects to that rear-guard that activate when it is retired to compensate for its loss. By stacking multiple [Power] Power icon gains and effects into the same rear-guard, the result is one very powerful rear-guard that then generates a large amount of resources for little cost investment when it is retired.

To take further advantage of the increased [Power] Power icon of the player's rear-guards, several of the clan's boss Units can stand those rear-guards to attack the opponent multiple times with strong enough [Power] Power icon to overcome Damage Shields. Because retiring front row rear-guards at the end of the turn would mean losing [Intercept]Sk intercept units, the clan is able to either call back the retired rear-guards from the Drop Zone, or call new Grade 2 units from the deck to substitute the retired ones allowing the player to use their effects to generate advantage and power without losing their [Intercepts]Sk intercept.

Fight Skins[]



Unit Representatives[]



Name Type Description
High Beast Shared Mildly anthropomorphic animals.

List of Great Nature Cards[]

Grade 0[]

Card Name Race Type
Acorn Master High Beast
Application Researcher, Ponbelly High Beast Trigger unit (Critical)
Blackboard Parrot High Beast
Broadcast Rabbit High Beast Trigger unit (Heal)
Flask Marmoset High Beast
Gardening Mole High Beast
Gifted Bear High Beast
Pencil Koala High Beast
Protractor Orangutan High Beast Trigger unit (Stand)
Schoolyard Prodigy, Lox High Beast
Scintillating First-year Student, Littlebelly High Beast
Specs Chinchilla High Beast
Telescope Rabbit High Beast
Watering Elephant High Beast Trigger unit (Stand)

Grade 1[]

Card Name Race Type
Bringer of Knowledge, Lox High Beast
Cable Sheep High Beast Sentinel
Chalk Eraser Fennec High Beast
Coiling Duckbill High Beast
Composed Scientist, Nyankuro High Beast
Contradictory Instructor, Shell Master Warbeast Sentinel
Diligent Assistant, Minibelly High Beast
Failure Scientist, Ponkichi High Beast
Feather Penguin High Beast
Hammsuke's Rival, Crayon Hammzo High Beast
Honorary Assistant, Mikesaburo High Beast
Hula Hoop Capybara High Beast
Label Pangolin High Beast
Mohican Hyena High Beast
Monoculus Tiger High Beast
Pencil Squire, Hammsuke High Beast
Reader Pig High Beast
Recorder Dog High Beast
Scholarship Student, Aribelly High Beast
Sharpener Beaver High Beast
Silver Wolf High Beast
Soft Tank Sloth High Beast
Stamp Sea Otter High Beast
Tank Mouse High Beast
Taping Cat High Beast
Thumbtack Fighter, Resanori High Beast
Tick Tock Flamingo High Beast
Traveling Momonga High Beast
Tri-ruler Cat High Beast Sentinel
Wash Up Racoon High Beast

Grade 2[]

Card Name Race Type
Archaeology Junior, Cornegie High Beast
Barcode Zebra High Beast
Binoculus Tiger High Beast
Canvas Koala High Beast
Capable Assistant, Guru Wolf Warbeast
Compass Lion High Beast
Cosmic Cheetah High Beast
Crayon Tiger High Beast
Explosion Scientist, Bunta High Beast
Field Glass Otter High Beast
Full-power Scientist, Nyanshiro High Beast
Full-sack Squirrel High Beast
Geograph Giant High Beast
Globe Armadillo High Beast
Go Home Toad High Beast
Hammsuke's Classmate, Mechanical Pencil Hammy High Beast
Hammsuke's Rival, Oil-based Pen Hammjiro High Beast
Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox Warbeast
Lamp Camel High Beast
Law Official, Lox High Beast
Malicious Saber Warbeast
Melodica Cat High Beast
Pencil Knight, Hammsuke High Beast
Problem Child, Greybelly High Beast
Red Pencil Rhino High Beast
Research Student, Muflin High Beast
Sleepy Tapir High Beast
Set Square Penguin High Beast
Treatise Panther High Beast
Whistle Hyena High Beast

Grade 3[]

Card Name Race Type
Abacus Bear Warbeast Trigger unit
Armed Instructor, Bison High Beast Trigger unit
Battler of the Twin Brush, Polaris High Beast Trigger unit
Contradictory Instructor, Tusk Master Warbeast Trigger unit
Dumbbell Kangaroo High Beast Trigger unit
Famous Professor, Bigbelly Warbeast Trigger unit
Fervent Professor, Guru Tiger Warbeast Trigger unit
Guardian of Truth, Lox High Beast Trigger unit
Hammsuke's Rival, Fountain Pen Hammkichi High Beast Trigger unit
Honorary Professor, Chatnoir High Beast Trigger unit
Honorary Professor, Chatsauvage High Beast Trigger unit
Ink Panda High Beast Trigger unit
Magic Scientist, Tester Fox Warbeast Trigger unit
Magnet Crocodile High Beast Trigger unit
Pencil Hero, Hammsuke High Beast Trigger unit
School Dominator, Apt High Beast Trigger unit
School Hunter, Leo-pald High Beast Trigger unit
School Punisher, Leo-pald "Яeverse" High Beast Trigger unit
Scientist Monkey Rue High Beast Trigger unit
Stapler Penguin High Beast Trigger unit
Teacher's Cane of Affection, Bigbelly Warbeast Trigger unit
Unrivaled Brush Wielder, Ponga High Beast Trigger unit
Vocal Chicken High Beast Trigger unit

Grade 4[]

Card Name Race Type
Epitome of Knowledge, Silvest High Beast Trigger unit
Immortality Professor, Brahmananda Wild Dragon G unit (Stride)
Immortality Professor, Phoeniciax Royal Beast G unit (Stride)
Lifelong Honorary Professor, Silvest High Beast G unit (Stride)
Omniscience Dragon, Afanc Wild Dragon G unit (Stride)
Omniscience Dragon, Balaurl Wild Dragon G unit (Stride)
Omniscience Dragon, Cath Palug Wild Dragon G unit (Stride)
Omniscience Dragon, Fernyiges Wild Dragon G unit (Stride)
Omniscience Dragon, Hrimthurs Wild Dragon G unit (Stride)
Omniscience Dragon, Kieltimka Wild Dragon G unit (Stride)
Omniscience Dragon, Managarmr Wild Dragon G unit (Stride)
Omniscience Dragon, Wisdom Teller Dragon Wild Dragon G unit (Stride)
Sage-saint Professor, Bigbelly Warbeast G unit (Stride)
School Special Investigator, Leo-pald Chaser High Beast G unit (Stride)
