In Stride Gate he improves his deck, now using more Bigbelly support. His deck now includes Sage-saint Professor, Bigbelly to massively increase his rearguard's power. He includes more ways to stand his high-powered rearguards, and frequently uses G guardians to quickly increase the amount of face-up cards in his G-Zone to get more power from "Sage-saint"'s effect.
In Next his deck focuses on his new avatar Teacher's Cane of Affection, Bigbelly, along with adding power to his rearguards and increasing his hand size.
Tsuneto Tado and Kei were initially designed to be Kouji Ibuki's team members for Cardfight!! Vanguard Movie: Neon Messiah. But since it was decided that Ibuki would work alone, their designs were put away until Cardfight!! Vanguard G where they needed a rival team of 3 for the main casts.