Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Light Dragon Deity of Honors, Amartinoa
えいてんこうりゅうしん アマルティノア
Name Light Dragon Deity of Honors, Amartinoa
Kanji 栄典の光竜神 アマルティノア
Kana えいてんのこうりゅうしん アマルティノア
Phonetic Eiten no Kōryūshin Amarutinoa
Thai จักรพรรดิมังกรแสงแห่งเกียรติยศ อมัลทีโนอา
Card Type Trigger Unit
Grade / Skill Grade 0 / Sk boost Boost
Power Power icon 5000
Critical Critical icon 1
Shield Shield icon 50000
Nation Keter Sanctuary
Race Cosmo Dragon
Trigger Effect OverTrigger-icon Over / Power icon+100000000
Format D-icon Standard / Premium
Illust HMK84
Illust ショースケ
Card Set(s)
Card Flavor(s)
(D-BT01): Rouse yourself with courage. Everyone has the capability to be a hero.
(D-BT06): Countless heroes are created by the eras, and numerous tales of their glory are etched in history.
Card Effect(s)
(You may only have one [Over] trigger in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, remove that card, draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+100 Million until end of turn! If revealed during drive check, activate its additional effect!)
Additional Effect - Until end of turn, you also perform drive checks for the battles your rear-guards attack!
Tournament Status
EN Choice Restriction (Zeroth Dragon of Zenith Peak, Ultima or Over Trigger) (Premium)
JP Choice Restriction (Zeroth Dragon of Zenith Peak, Ultima or Over Trigger) (Premium)
KR Unrestricted
TH Unrestricted
IT Unrestricted
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