Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki

The "Magallanica Branch Chief" is a character in Cardfight!! Vanguard G. Alongside his position as the branch chief for Magallanica, he is also the "Bermuda Triangle Clan Leader".


Not much is known about him, since he is hardly shown speaking. He does seem to care about production, since he seems proud of having Team Dreadnought and Jaime Alcaraz, as well as Gouki Daimonji, for his Magallanica Branch G Quest. He, alongside three other branch managers, were in the hospital after the attack on the Dragon Empire Branch. He is currently recovering.


He is a large man with a seafoam green business suit with a pink tie. He has brown, matted hair that gives him a professional look and he also has thin glasses. His personality seems to resemble that of a talent agent, which is fitting for his clan, Bermuda Triangle.



  • Unlike the other avatars, he does not take the form of his, rather he stands behind her as if he were her talent agent, which fits his personality and his clan well.