The "Miyaji Academy Cardfight Club" is a club from the high school division of Miyaji Academy, and are the protagonists of the second arc of the Cardfight!! Vanguard (V Series Anime), as well as Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker.
The club was founded by Aichi Sendou with the help of Kourin Tatsunagi. As Miyaji Academy interest is in global human developing resources, the Student Council deemed the club to be unfit, and tried to get them to disband. The club proved their worth, and even showed the council how global Vanguard's reach is.
In Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker, the club helps to fight back against the Star-vader invasion. Naoki Ishida is one of the first to be Reversed, and is also responsible for unreversing many other cardfighters. After the events of Cardfight!! Vanguard: Legion Mate, despite the loss of Kourin Tatsunagi, the club has gained many new members, with the most notable being the Student Council.
In the Cardfight!! Vanguard (V Series Anime), the club itself isn't seen interacting in tournaments or friendly fights initially, as their only fight as a club is against Fukuhara High School. However, they were prominent cardfighters trying to stop the PSYqualia Zombies from spreading, despite every member getting zombified at one point. During the fight against Wandering Star Brandt, they each become embodiments of different Blasters, and end up saving Brandt, Cray, and Earth. In the third arc, they plan on competing in, and winning, the Vanguard Koshien.
Due to Kourin's status as a pop-idol, many people try to join the club to get close to her but are stopped by Naoki, Shingo Komoi, and Misaki Tokura.
Original Series[]
- Aichi Sendou (Founder/Captain)
- Kourin Tatsunagi (Co-founder)
- Naoki Ishida (Co-captain)
- Shingo Komoi
- Misaki Tokura
- Student Council
- Football Team
- Paranormal Power Research Society
- Many other students
V Series[]
- Aichi Sendou (Founder/Captain)
- Kourin Tatsunagi (Co-founder/Former, never attended after everyone's memories were erased)
- Naoki Ishida
- Shingo Komoi
- Misaki Tokura
- Eru Nakagami
- Student Council