Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki

Myth Guard, Procyon

Myth Guards (マイスガード Maisu Gaado) are a series of cards that include "Myth Guard" in its card name exclusive to the Genesis clan. The first card was introduced in Booster Set 10: Triumphant Return of the King of Knights. They later gained support in Extra Booster: Waltz of the Goddess.

Their main focus revolves around having specific Myth Guards in the soul to activate abilities. They share the same race, Battleroid.

List of "Myth Guard" Cards[]

Grade 1[]

Card Name Race Type
Myth Guard, Achernar Battleroid
Myth Guard, Markab Battleroid
Myth Guard, Sirius Battleroid

Grade 2[]

Card Name Race Type
Myth Guard, Denebola Battleroid
Myth Guard, Orion Battleroid

Grade 3[]

Card Name Race Type
Myth Guard, Antares Battleroid
Myth Guard, Fomalhaut Battleroid
Myth Guard, La Superba Battleroid
Myth Guard, Procyon Battleroid


  • All of the units' name are taken from the name of constellations and stars.