Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
D-SD05-015EN (Sample)

Prison (かんごく Kangoku) is a subtype of Set Order introduced in D Start Deck 05: Tomari Seto -Aurora Valkyrie-. It is exclusive to the Brandt Gate nation.

How It Works[]

  • While a card with Prison subtype exists in a player's order zone, that player is considered to have a Prison.
  • If you have a Prison, certain effects allow to imprison your opponent's cards. By doing so, they are moved to your order zone, putting them face up under that Prison card and are considered to be imprisoned. Those cards remain imprisoned until they are removed from there by other methods.
    • While a card is imprisoned, it retains all its card information, but cannot be referenced as a card on the field, and its abilities are not active, except for those that explicitly refer to an imprisoned card.
  • The opponent can recover their imprisoned cards from a Prison card by paying a cost specified by that Prison card, as well as performing the effect specified by it.
  • If a player has no Prison, all imprisoned cards there must be put into the drop zone.

List of Prisons[]

List of Imprisoners[]

List of Searchers[]
