"Revelation" (
How it Works[]
A "Revelation" ability only activates when the unit possessing it is placed on the specified circle. When it is, look at the top card of your deck, and you may choose to put that card into your soul. If you put the card into your soul, you must then choose one of your standing rear-guards if possible, and [Rest] it. If you decide to not put the card into your soul, then it remains on the top of your deck, and you do not [Rest] a rear-guard.
Resting a rear-guard is not a cost, as you are given the option to soul charge before choosing a rear-guard to [Rest], which is advantageous when using (GC) Revelation abilities, as all your units are usually already resting, allowing you to look at the top of your deck and increasing your chances of checking a trigger.
List of Cards[]
Grade 0[]
- Goddess of Sound Sleep, Tahro (Stand) (RC)
- Tinkling Angel (RC)
Grade 1[]
- Deemed Angel (RC)
- Detect Angel (RC)
- Goddess of Fort, Kibitsuhime (GC)
- Goddess of Transitory, Awanami (RC)
- Joyous Jiro (RC)
- Secret Elsie (VC)
- Shackle Fetter, Gelgja (RC)
Grade 2[]
- Battle Maiden, Kotonoha (RC)
- Battle Maiden, Renge (RC)
- Battle Maiden, Senri (RC)
- Boulder Fetter, Gjoll (RC)
- Felicitate Taro (RC)
- Goddess of Favorable Wind, Ninnil (VC/RC)
- Goddess of Karmic Wind, Ningal (VC/RC)
- Multitask Angel (RC)
Grade 3[]
- Battle Maiden, Azusa (VC/RC)
- Goddess of the Abyss, Ereshkigal (VC/RC)
- Ice Crest Goddess, Svava (VC/RC)
- Prime Beauty, Amaruda (VC/RC)
Grade 4[]
- Complete Beauty, Amaruda Aphross (VC)
- Goddess of Investigation, Ishtar (VC)
- Goddess of Mercy, Inanna (VC)
List of Support Cards[]
Grade 0[]
Grade 1[]
Grade 2[]
Grade 3[]
Grade 4[]