Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Original ZERO

Screen of Arboros, Aila
アルボロスのおえ アイラ
Screen of Arboros, Aila (CFZ)
Name Screen of Arboros, Aila
Kanji アルボロスの直衛 アイラ
Kana アルボロスのなおえ アイラ
Phonetic Aruborosu no Naoe Aira
Grade / Skill Grade 1 / Sk boost Boost
Power Power icon 7000
Critical Critical icon 1
Nation Co zoo Zoo
Clan Neo Nectar
Race Bioroid
Format Zero-icon Vanguard ZERO
Illust 魔界の住民
Card Effect(s)
(VC):[Put an Arboros Dragon, Ratoon rear-guard into your soul] to add a Arboros Dragon, Branch or Arboros Dragon, Timber from your deck to your hand. If you added an Arboros Dragon, Branch to your hand, you may ride that card.
Tournament Status
EN Unrestricted
JP Unrestricted
KR Unrestricted
TH Unrestricted
IT Unrestricted
Gallery Tips Rulings Lores
Errata Trivia JP Database
