VG-V-BT09: Butterfly d'Moonlight is the 9th Booster Set released in the Japanese format.
V-BT09/016 (RRR)
Tommy the Ghosties Brothers
V-BT09/030 (R)
Stealth Dragon, Plumb Reimu
V-BT09/032 (R)
Flutist Stealth Rogue, Kadotsugu
V-BT09/034 (R)
Ostia Heater
V-BT09/050 (R)
Soul Bullet Roulette
V-BT09/051 (R)
Covert Demonic Dragon, Viamel Fudou
V-BT09/053 (C)
Stealth Rogue of Intangibility, Kuninaga
V-BT09/054 (C)
Stealth Rogue of Carnival Song, Miyagiku
V-BT09/056 (C)
Stealth Dragon, Adoba Spike
V-BT09/085 (C)
Racking Frankhini
V-BT09/087 (C)
Cyril the Ghostie