Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki

Fantasy Petal Storm, Shirayuki

"Shirayuki" (シラユキ Shirayuki) is a series of Ghost cards that include "Shirayuki" in its card name, exclusive to the Murakumo clan, and introduced in Booster Set 9: Clash of the Knights & Dragons and got their first support in Fighters Collection 2015 Winter. Members of the archetype would return in V Premium with the release of V Booster Set 04: Vilest! Deletor with named support being released in Special Series 09: CLAN SELECTION PLUS Vol.1.


The originator of the archetype, Fantasy Petal Storm, Shirayuki possesses a noteworthy thump where she is able to decrease the [Power] Power icon of an opponent's attacking unit by -20000, requiring the player to discard a copy of herself. The subsequent members support this skill via adding copies of the vanguard to hand, being regarded as the original Shirayuki when in hand or in the case of Sweetly Smiling Ice Petal, Shirayuki, is able to decrease the opponent's vanguard's [Power] Power icon during the player's turn, expanding on the original theme of power reduction the original had set.

Re-introduced in V Premium, Fantasy Petal Storm, Shirayuki abilities in power reduction have been expanded as she is able to activate her skill when she is placed on all circles of the player's fields via soul blasting 2 and targets three of the opponent's front row units, decreasing their [Power] Power icon by -5000 if she was placed on (RC) and instead decreasing their [Power] Power icon by -10000 if she is placed on (VC) or (GC). The archetype's members as well as their supporting rear-guards possess skills that activate when their own or the attack of another unit does not hit, often adding a copy of Shirayuki herself from the drop or deck to hand as a result. The supporting rear-guards outside of adding copies of Shirayuki are able to soul charge or place themselves in soul, aiding the player's capacity to use Shirayuki's skill several times in a game.

List of "Shirayuki" cards[]

Grade 3[]

Card Name Race Type Format
Fantasy Petal Storm, Shirayuki Ghost
Fantasy Petal Storm, Shirayuki (V Series) Ghost Accel V Premium
Six Flowers of Phantasms, Shirayuki Ghost
Six Flowers of Phantasms, Shirayuki (V Series) Ghost Accel V Premium

Grade 4[]

Card Name Race Type Format
Cosmetic Snowfall, Shirayuki Ghost G unit (Stride)
Sweetly Smiling Ice Petal, Shirayuki Ghost G unit (Stride)

List of Support Cards[]

Grade 1[]

Card Name Race Type Format
Stealth Fiend, Rainy Madame Ghost V Premium
Apprentice Apparition, Sasameyuki Ghost V Premium

Grade 2[]

Card Name Race Type Format
Stealth Fiend, Jakotsu Girl Ghost V Premium
Ice Fang Princess, Tsurarahime Ghost V Premium
