Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Original V Series ZERO

Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit
きょっこう グルグウィント
Name Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit
Kanji 旭光の騎士 グルグウィント
Kana きょっこうのきし グルグウィント
Phonetic Kyokkō no Kishi Guruguwinto
Thai อัศวินแห่งแสงอรุณ, กูร์กวินท์
Italian Gurguit, Cavaliere Raggio del Sole Nascente
Grade / Skill Grade 3 / Sk twindrive Twin Drive!!
Power Power icon 11000
Critical Critical icon 1
Nation Co united United Sanctuary
Clan Gold Paladin
Race Human
Format Premium
Illust えびら
Card Set(s)
Card Flavor(s)
(G-BT03 RRR/V-SS09): The sun will soon give light to all darkness.
(G-BT03 SP): The sun will certainly rise. As many times as needed.
(G-SD02): The sun continues to burn. Along with the lives of the courageous warriors.
Card Effect(s)
[AUTO](VC) Generation Break 2 (Active if you have two or more face up G units in total on your (VC) or G zone): At the beginning of the guard step of the battle this unit was attacked, [Counter-Blast 1 & Soul-Blast 1], look at the top four cards of your deck, choose up to one card from among them, call it to (GC), and shuffle your deck.
[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast (1)] During your turn, when your G unit Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at the top four cards of your deck, choose up to one card from among them, call it to (RC), and it gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn. Shuffle your deck.
Tournament Status
EN Unrestricted
JP Unrestricted
KR Unrestricted
TH Unrestricted
IT Unrestricted
Gallery Tips Rulings Lores
Errata Trivia JP Database
