Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki
Original V Series ZERO

Ultimate Dimensional Robo, Great Daiyusha
きゅうきょくげんロボ グレートダイユーシャ
Name Ultimate Dimensional Robo, Great Daiyusha
Kanji 究極次元ロボ グレートダイユーシャ
Kana きゅうきょくじげんロボ グレートダイユーシャ
Phonetic Kyūkyoku Jigen Robo Gurēto Daiyūsha
Thai หุ่นยนต์ต่างมิติขั้นสูงสุด, เกรท ไดยูฉะ
Grade / Skill Grade 3 / Sk twindrive Twin Drive!!
Imaginary Gift Gift-iconForce icon
Power Power icon 13000
Critical Critical icon 1
Nation Co star Star Gate
Clan Dimension Police
Race Battleroid
Format V-icon Premium / Premium
Illust / Color 明貴美加 / 鷲尾奈津子(スタジオ・ガジェットスミス)
Card Set(s)
Card Flavor(s)
(VR): The personification of ultimate justice, the invincible and peerless Daiyusha.
(SVR): Ultimate Dimensional Union
Card Effect(s)
[AUTO](VC):When placed, three of your front row units get [Power]+10000 until end of turn.
[AUTO](Hand):At the end of the battle that your grade 3 vanguard attacked, if that unit's [Power] is 45000 or greater, and it was not placed this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], ride this card as [Stand], and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.
Tournament Status
EN Unrestricted
JP Unrestricted
KR Unrestricted
TH Unrestricted
IT Unrestricted
Gallery Tips Rulings Lores
Errata Trivia JP Database